Emma Jones

Emma Jones

Is a Mindset Coach who uses a combination of NLP, Hypnotherapy & Solution Focused Psychotherapy to help their clients aspire to be their best selves.

Individual Clients

I’ve helped a number of clients make changes to their lives which have led to them being able to see what their aspirations are and then make them happen. 

I work in the following areas: 

Anxiety, understanding what anxiety is, how to ground yourself. To be able to make choices that suit you and let you confidently live the life you want. To know how to manage it in the future and assess when it’s required or the mind is being over protected. 

Trauma, including understanding why trauma continues to impact you after the event, how to ground and manage symptoms such as anxiety, depression, flashbacks and work towards learning how to live the life you want after trauma. It is possible, if you want it and with the right support. 

ADHD, learning how to embrace diagnosis especially if it has come later in life, understanding symptoms, how to manage and live with them. Navigating the neural typical world with a neural divergent brain. 

Sports performance, including recovering from an injury which impacted their mindset towards competing to managing mind games from other competitors and confidence. 

Business performance, including passing internal exams while overcoming blocks that had held them back, to growing as a leader, and making career progression a reality. 

Weight Management, understanding how anxiety, stress and poor sleep can impact the ability to lose or gain weight and how to manage these areas in order to achieve a desired weight and to help clients find their way to make the necessary changes to their life and reach their goals. 

If you have a goal you want to achieve and you need some help in achieving it, then coaching with me could be your answer. Often there can be elements of anxiety that may limit your ability, limiting beliefs that weigh you down or a lack of confidence that prevents you from creating the steps you need to take to achieve your goal. 

If you want something to be different, then something needs to change. This change starts with you. 

Group Work 

I offer workshops and inputs to cover the following areas:




Weight Management

Improving Mindset

I can adapt and create workshops for specific needs and have presented to small groups, large groups of 50 plus people or a group of workshops for a set period of time. 

I’ve worked with charities, a support group for the national police fitness test, rugby clubs and the City of London Police. 

The benefits I've seen while working with groups is that there is a sense that others have experienced challenges, creating an environment of support and empathy. Some may share their experiences which others relate to all of which can bring a team together. For business this can improve efficiency, attendance and productivity. 

Richard Branson said “Train them so that they can leave, treat them so they don’t”

Supporting them in their mental wellbeing is treating them so that they stay and the business then gets the best from them. 

DISC Personality Profiles

I am trained to conduct the DISC personality profiles, and then spend time explaining them to my clients. 

Having this done creates self awareness, helps improve communication both professionally and personally, reduces conflict, identifies areas that can be grown and strengths that can be utilised to support growth, productivity and overall mental wellness. 

About ME!

I’ve spent most of my working life in roles that involve a lot of human contact usually during traumatic times, from being a healthcare assistant on an oncology ward, to over 10 years in the police mainly as a detective with a specialism for investigating sexual offences. 

I was recently diagnosed with high functioning autism and ADHD, something that helped me to understand myself and how I’ve had certain reactions and behaviours in the past. Now I fully understand them, I am able to live with and manage the symptoms and even use them to my benefit in running my business. 

I bring my extensive learnings and experience into my client work, to help the people I work with aspire to be the best version of themselves. 

If you want to know how I can help you, please drop me a message or visit my website:


There are some client reviews on this ANLP site, however more can be found on my website. 


Couples Coaching Packages 





NLP Practitioner

Trained by Emma McNally

NLP Master Practitioner

Trained by Emma McNally

Specialist skills

  • Addictions
  • Breakthrough Sessions
  • Business Coaching
  • Confidence Building
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Hypnotherapy (with appropriate qualifications)
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Motivation
  • Neuro Diversity (eg Autism, ADHD)
  • Personal Development Coaching
  • Phobias
  • Public Speaking
  • Smoking
  • Sports Performance
  • Stress Management
  • Weight Management

Spoken languages

  • English

Practice/Training Locations

I run face to face session from my practise in Basildon, Essex. I also offer sessions online and work with clients all over the UK

Offers virtual sessions

View all case studies

I am yet to post any courses/workshops. Please check back later.

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[Name withheld]

Professional progression and healing from Trauma

I saw Emma to help me overcome my exam and interview nerves. I had previously failed exams in my profession that I had been doing for over 20 years… I knew how to do the job, but couldn’t articulate this into exam and interview situations.

During our sessions Emma always made me feel at ease and took things at my pace. That said, she challenged me at times in order to get the best out of me and our time.

I had always struggled with confidence during work promotion exams and internal interviews. I couldn’t understand how I had such a block.

Emma helped me overcome my own internal thoughts/doubts. She identified that I had previously unhealed trauma that was affecting my thought process. Working on this allowed me to focus on what I could control and acknowledge my past.

As a result of Emma’s help I successfully passed an internal exam, attaining 97% and coming top during an interview board.

Thank you Emma. You helped me, be me again!!



Thank you Emma! I found Emma’s website after having failed the bleep test. I would panic and get jelly legs and found the bleep test to be very psychologically hard. I started having sessions with Emma and it has made the world of difference! I have passed my bleep test now and wouldn’t have done so without Emma’s help. She has also given me so many tools that I will use in the future regularly to remain calm and focused. I feel much more knowledgeable about the human psyche and more in control of my body and mind. I cannot thank you enough Emma!

Breaking through Childhood Trauma

Gosh Emma is so incredibly intuitive and I felt relaxed immediately.
In my appointment Emma went at my pace for me this was nice and slow, I felt so safe and completely trusted Emma. This made me comfortable and I was able to work through some childhood trauma that had had me "stuck" for many many years! Through my appointment Emma was patient and really understood me, my needs, what I was going through and my feelings. I highly recommend Emma she is professional, smart also funny and the right person to support me through. I will without doubt be seeing Emma again, thank you so much for making a huge difference in my life.


Friendly and knowledgeable approach

I’ve been working with Emma for almost two years. She helped me in one of the hardest time of my life, with her incredible knowledge and her calm and friendly approach. I’ve never felt once uncomfortable or judged. I managed, thanks to her support, to fight depression, control my anxiety and work through some old trauma.
I would recommend Emma to anyone that needs help to find their way back to who they want to be.
I am extremely grateful I had the chance to work with her.


Amazing ND friendly therapist

I started seeing Emma after a diagnosis later in life of ADHD. I had some early trauma to process and very low self esteem and confidence. Whilst working through this I had a major life curve ball come my way and I am honestly so lucky that I had Emma to support me and help me work through this. Emma really does understand the Neurodivergent brain, I always felt so validated and never ashamed of who I was and how my brain worked. I was able to speak of things I’ve never been able to say out loud to another person, even my nearest and dearest. My time with Emma has been an amazing investment in myself, I now have the tools and confidence in myself to take on anything life throws at me! Thank you Emma, I’ll always be so grateful I found you when I did!

[Name withheld]

Amazing Results

I would highly recommend M's Hypnotherapy & Wellbeing.
Emma is a wondering lady, kind, and caring and I felt very relaxed around her, so easy to open up and feel safe doing so. Emma has helped me with Trauma and anxiety, and I am a different person and doing things I never thought possible!
Thank you, keep doing what you do!

Carol Wray

Hypnotherapy session

Thank you Emma for another great session. I felt like I had been with you for about 3 hours not just 1. I left you feeling empowered, like I could take on anything thrown at me. I always enjoy our sessions, it’s so fascinating to hear how the brain works and I always find it inspirational listening to you. Thank you again.

I have not yet reviewed any books.