Engineering Leadership teams succeeds with NLP July 28th 2020 Stories Schaeffler (UK) Ltd is a medium-sized manufacturing business in the automotive sector which went through a major cultural change. In 2000, due to increased competition... Continue reading...
Imagination the difference that makes the difference July 28th 2020 Education Early on in my teaching career (2001–2003) as a new university adjunct, we weren’t given any training about lecturing, instructional outlines or academic regulations. The... Continue reading...
The Importance of a fellowship mindset for mastering the art of in-course correction July 28th 2020 NLP In our previous articles we have emphasised the importance of a fellowship mindset, in an organisational environment, as a way to significantly increase people’s ability... Continue reading...
Can becoming a mum mess with your mind July 28th 2020 NLP ‘Mummy guilt’ is discussed between many mum groups as a real, almost expected feeling, to be accepted when becoming a mum. I explore this concept... Continue reading...
Welcome to the global ecosphere July 28th 2020 Coaching The previous six articles in this series have explored each of the logical levels, applying these in the context of self-reflection, self-expression and our coaching... Continue reading...
Video marketing for NLP Coaches July 28th 2020 Business In this article I’m going to share one suggestion that I believe will help you market your business to a wider audience and bring consistent... Continue reading...
Future Ready July 28th 2020 Professional Development We should have seen it coming. COVID-19. We listened to the news, watched the media and observed the impact upon lands and peoples far away... Continue reading...
What helps you feel resourceful July 28th 2020 Basic NLP There are many things I can’t do. I’m not a parent so I have no idea how most of y’all manage to keep growing souls... Continue reading...
The value of modelling projects July 28th 2020 NLP in Practice Modelling is the core methodology through which NLP was developed and continues to develop, so that forms my bias here: that modelling is not only... Continue reading...
The International NLP Conference in 2021 July 28th 2020 NLP Conference In the UK, we are adapting to our ‘new normal’ and the unknowns that may affect all of us, now and in the future. Top... Continue reading...
Supporting the NHS with Empathy and Skills July 28th 2020 NLP People At the NLP Awards, held at the Park Inn, Heathrow on Saturday 18th May, 2019, the award for NLP in Healthcare was awarded to Jo... Continue reading...
The currency of credibility July 28th 2020 Provoking Debate At the NLP Leadership Summit in January 2020, there was a working group discussing the value of academic research in NLP. Enormous progress has been... Continue reading...
Navigating through heart issues using NLP and mBraining July 28th 2020 NLP The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. In 2018... Continue reading...
I talk to Angels July 28th 2020 Author Interview My alarm goes off at 6am and I start my day by taking a hot shower with the scent of rose aromatherapy oils and reciting... Continue reading...
How to sing in pitch July 28th 2020 Modelling Projects As part of certifying as an INLPTA master practitioner, I had to undertake a modelling project which involved selecting a skill to learn or improve... Continue reading...
Self Care Strategies July 28th 2020 Health I often encourage clients and readers to not only use whatever self-care ideas I'm sharing but to remember all the other things that have worked for... Continue reading...