Rachel Elnaugh December 28th 2009 Celebrity You probably know Rachel Elnaugh from her time on Dragons’ Den. Before that she created Red Letter Days, the first company to offer experiences as... Continue reading...
Julia Silverthorne December 28th 2009 NLP People They say your values are based on what was happening in the world when you were 10 years old and I was 10 years old... Continue reading...
The Dolphin Approach to Achievment December 28th 2009 NLP The Strategy of the Dolphin takes an apparently simple aquatic metaphor and applies it to the world of business as it was in 1989. This... Continue reading...
Gazing into the future its all in the eyes December 28th 2009 Lifestyle When I started taking yoga classes, one of my instructors often emphasised “drishti” points. This is a Sanskrit word for focal point, insight and vision.... Continue reading...
Language of Symptons December 28th 2009 Health Does thinking of someone as “a pain in the neck” cause neck pain? Has feeling “pissed off ” ever coincided with cystitis? There are all... Continue reading...
Whats Important to you December 28th 2009 Basic NLP Under the theme of setting outcomes, this series explores some of the basic ideas and practical methods of NLP. In the previous issue (Autumn 2009)... Continue reading...
Modelling Skills in Recruitment December 28th 2009 Research When I chose a subject for my modelling project I couldn’t really have picked a better one without having a crystal ball. At that time... Continue reading...
Where is the evidence December 28th 2009 Provoking Debate I suppose as a psychologist I naturally am fascinated by what works and what does not work in the endeavour to find out how we can... Continue reading...
Creative positive choices in desperate Circumstances December 28th 2009 Coaching In order to change the way in which we respond as a society to the needs of people with thoughts of suicide, attitudes and behaviours... Continue reading...
NLP 4 Kids December 28th 2009 Education NLP4Kids is a series of workshops designed for children aged 7-14 years that were created using some of the principals and techniques of NLP. They... Continue reading...
Living through Paradox December 28th 2009 Business Have you ever been caught between a rock and hard place? Have you felt that you were damned if you did and damned if you... Continue reading...
Flexibility Favours Success December 28th 2009 Basic NLP The NLP presuppositions can help us transcend limiting beliefs about ourselves and our world. You don’t have to believe any presupposition; just consider the implications... Continue reading...
Anatomy of plane crash part 5 December 28th 2009 NLP Isn’t it amazing how a few short moments can shape your life? You possibly know my story by now. One minute Andy (my partner) and... Continue reading...
The Power of 6 December 28th 2009 Author Interview The Power of Six was devised by David Grove, creator of Clean Language, as a methodology for eliciting and utilizing our inner intelligence. Philip Harland... Continue reading...
Why repurpose when you can prepurpose December 28th 2009 Professional Development Lately I have heard a lot of people talking about ‘re-purposing’ marketing materials: turning articles into blogs and podcasts, books into speeches, speeches into books... Continue reading...
NLP Turned my life upside down December 28th 2009 NLP Blinking, I stared blankly back, I wasn’t expecting that reply. Not only was I dazed and mesmerised at meeting him in the flesh for the... Continue reading...