Case Studies - An Important Resource and Marketing Tool

"The format that you created for the case studies really works nicely (and easily) to make the stories come together.” Yvonne Fernando, ANLP Professional Member

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Case Studies - An Important Resource and Marketing Tool

“…the format that you created for the case studies really works nicely (and easily) to make the stories come together.” Yvonne Fernando,  ANLP Professional Member,  Email 04/06/20

We feel we have made it as easy as possible to record your case studies on your ANLP Member Profile and here’s why:

“People connect with stories, and there’s no better method of storytelling in business than using your customer’s voice in a data-backed case study.”

Please ask yourself these three questions…

  • Do you believe that someone is a Specialist just because they tell you they are? 
  • Do you ask, or look for, any evidence to back up their claims? 
  • Do you think people might do the same of you and your claims to be an expert in whatever you’re an expert in?

Case studies are a deeper dive into your speciality and credibility…just look at any Corporate “Solutions” company on the internet.  Many have Case studies, by industry sector, business area, team or personal solutions, etc., etc., etc.   As many as they can so that they can demonstrate just how good they are solving the challenges you or your company may be facing…

You can also do this for your own business from your ANLP Member Dashboard.  Alongside making it easier to create the case study, we have developed the Four Es of Case Studies to give you guidance on what it can contain to have a positive impact:

Evidence:  Sometimes called “narrative evidence” a case study is a factual, solution-centric narrative of how a challenge has been identified, worked on and resolved.  You could make your case study in the third person (always more formal).  Identify the presenting challenge as clearly as you can.

Empathy:  The narrative, whilst being more formal than a “story”, demonstrates that the author has a clear understanding of the challenge(s) and the surrounding ecology and how they have worked with the client towards a solution.  Was there a key question or set of questions you asked to elicit the challenge and how did you demonstrate empathy for your client?

Explicit:  Each case study highlights a specific challenge-solution description rather than a generic “one-size-fits-all” approach. Case studies are not usually metaphors…so be explicit, clear and concise.  Whilst a case study generally gives you more words to play with, the more clearly it explains it’s benefits, the better.

Endorsement:  Implicit in a case study is an endorsement by the client, even if the case study is anonymised. It tells the reader that you have resolved a challenge for the client involved. 

So, let’s be explicit here. The more case studies you have, the more credibility you can give to your work and methods by giving real examples of your skills and how you have helped your clients.

For more information, watch the How To video here