Use NLP Skills in facilitating groups September 28th 2011 Business Have you ever wished you could find a way to practice your NLP skills while still plugging away at a nine-to-five job? Quit future-pacing (aka... Continue reading...
Developments In Leadership June 28th 2011 Business A lengthy career as a senior consultant in the business world has prepared Tony Droar for what he really loves: teaching. He now works 'part time... Continue reading...
The Big Society & NLP March 28th 2011 Business Having taken voluntary redundancy and trained as a practitioner (including TLT and Hypnosis) I couldn’t help noticing that all was not necessarily as well with... Continue reading...
Mirrors of Appreciation Engaging Volunteers December 28th 2010 Business We are usually unaware of this 'dance' of matching and mirroring. Consciously bringing it in to play is one of the first items in NLP... Continue reading...
Paradox Coaching September 28th 2010 Business As management and leadership development trainers specialising in the use of NLP in business we have lost count of the number of times we have... Continue reading...
Persuasion and the art of business success June 28th 2010 Business Throughout his long business career, Bill Docherty MBE, BA, CA has made significant voluntary contributions to business organisations and charitable causes. His MBE, awarded in... Continue reading...
The Business Biddies March 28th 2010 Business Whatever our views on the current talk of global crisis, whether climate warming or peak oil, most of us would acknowledge that the world is... Continue reading...
Living through Paradox December 28th 2009 Business Have you ever been caught between a rock and hard place? Have you felt that you were damned if you did and damned if you... Continue reading...
How to boost your career September 28th 2009 Business Idon’t remember ever hearing about economic climates until fairly recently. It’s as if we suddenly have financial weather – all out of our control. This... Continue reading...
NLP and Entrepreneurs June 28th 2009 Business What is an entrepreneur? Is he or she born, or created? Can NLP develop entrepreneurial characteristics? If so, then how? Award-winning entrepreneur and NLP trainer... Continue reading...
Herts CC recognises the positive effects of NLP March 28th 2009 Business Hertfordshire Country Council recognises the positive effects of NLP. When most people think about NLP and communication... Continue reading...
Website Optimisation December 28th 2008 Business So, what is website optimisation? In short, website optimisation is the process of specifically designing your site to rank high in the Search Engines. Continue reading...
Boardroom for heart and soul December 28th 2008 Business David Whyte, a poet and organisation development specialist, speaks of how heart and soul, our inner sponsor, are mostly left out of the boardroom and... Continue reading...
How the credit crunch can work for you September 28th 2008 Business Dynamic people say that it’s in times of difficulty, when we’re stretched, that we’re most motivated to draw on our creativity and resourcefulness. Being less... Continue reading...
Ask don’t sell June 28th 2008 Business We’ve all come across battleaxe sales techniques and many of us wince at the hijacking of NLP to sharpen the edges of those axes. Emma... Continue reading...
Now is the place for women who mean business March 28th 2008 Business Dee Shipman is on a campaign to change how women are perceived in business and it isn’t just the male culture of business that she... Continue reading...
Walking in the shoes of clients December 28th 2007 Business Towergate Professional Risks work with clients of many types – including many therapists – providing them with the liability insurance they need to practice. When... Continue reading...
Forty Seconds to success First impressions count September 28th 2007 Business We are all bombarded by so much sensory input each second that our unconscious mind protects us from overload by sorting, deleting, and generalising the... Continue reading...
Its All About Rapport March 28th 2007 Business For Sonia Saxton, effective business coaching is all about rapport. NLP tools and techniques are embedded in the systems and processes followed by everyone at... Continue reading...
Team Building September 28th 2006 Business Greg Lawson is a sales director in a design-based company. He and his team benefit from their company-sponsored NLP training. He applies NLP techniques to... Continue reading...