How Caroline overcame debilitating fatigue and got her life back

“I’ve just got my life back. I feel like me again. Lauren pressed the factory reset button on my life.”

 How Caroline overcame debilitating fatigue and got her life back

Posted by Lauren Stoney on

The challenge

“I was living my life around managing my health” Caroline, a government worker and keen runner, battled with symptoms of fatigue for nearly a year.

The effect

She was no longer able to run, or spend much time with friends – things she loved doing. She struggled to keep up at work and was signed off for several weeks. Each morning Caroline would assess her wellness and energy levels, and these would shape her whole day. She had to make difficult, miserable trade-offs: meeting a friend for coffee would effectively wipe her out for the next day. When Caroline landed her dream job, she knew she needed to overcome her fatigue to reclaim the lifestyle she loved and succeed at work. But she had already tried a few alternative health remedies with little success.


Caroline signed up for the psycho-neurological training programme, the Lightning Process, with Lauren (Lauren Stoney Life Crafting). She attended three consecutive half-day therapeutic training sessions. These focused initially on the brain-body connection, and became more advanced and personalised each day. As well as theory and therapeutic coaching tailored to Caroline’s specific life circumstances, the training course also provides a single, process-driven tool.

This was easy to remember and enabled Caroline to implement what she’d learned and achieve the changes she came for. Caroline has since followed up with Lauren in monthly coaching sessions. Even on days Caroline didn’t feel well, the training process kept her going. She found Lauren “supportive, friendly, knowledgeable, helpful and genuine.”


From the first day of training, the changes were immediate and startling. Caroline’s fatigue symptoms diminished and her whole mentality towards her health shifted. She started saying yes to things she wouldn’t have dreamed of – like attending Christmas events four nights in a row, and commuting from Sussex to London several times in one week.

Completing her first Parkrun in over a year was a huge milestone for Caroline: “I had a few tears of happiness that I actually did a proper Parkrun, and I didn't stop.” Caroline started her new job just two weeks after the training. She was excited, but nervous about coping with a much longer commute. However, she recalls, “On my Thursday journey home I remember putting this celebratory song on, and just having a moment of elation that I’d done my first week in my new job, I’d done all the travel, and I was still feeling alright. I was just on this absolute high – I was so happy.”

Caroline believes she couldn't have achieved this level of transformation without Lauren’s support: “I’ve just got my life back. I feel like me again. Lauren pressed the factory reset button on my life.”

Lauren Stoney
Lauren Stoney

Lauren is a Health & Performance Coach and Lightning Process Practitioner, who helps individuals struggling with fatigue, burnout and anxiety to get their 'oomph' back.