Unlocking Emotional Resilience: Conquering Workplace Challenges with mBraining and NLP Mastery

Sarah, facing unwanted attention from a male director, used mBraining and NLP submodality changes to regain control, balance emotions, and excel professionally.

Unlocking Emotional Resilience: Conquering Workplace Challenges with mBraining and NLP Mastery

Posted by Gayle Young on

The challenge

Sarah, a skilled professional, confronted a substantial challenge in her career: coping with unwelcome attention from a male director during meetings. The director's intrusive behavior consistently provoked strong emotional responses in Sarah, including frustration, anger, and anxiety. These emotions not only hindered her ability to confidently voice her ideas and opinions but also posed a formidable barrier to her performance.

In her quest for a solution, Sarah had initially turned to conventional channels for guidance. She sought advice from colleagues and mentors, hoping to find strategies to address the issue. Unfortunately, these approaches proved ineffective, as they did not equip her with the necessary tools to manage the intricate web of emotions and interpersonal dynamics characteristic of her professional environment.

Sarah's experience reflected a common challenge in the workplace, where some methods often fall short in dealing with issues rooted in complex emotional reactions. 

The effect

This situation had a profound impact on Sarah, and she openly shared her experiences. She described the constant feeling of being "on edge" during meetings due to the director's intrusive comments and gestures. Sarah particularly emphasised her discomfort with the director's persistent gaze, which left her feeling unsettled.

The emotions she experienced, including frustration, anger, and anxiety, were unmistakable. Sarah's behaviour mirrored her emotional turmoil. Engaging confidently in discussions became challenging, often causing her to withdraw or fall silent. Her body language revealed her unease through signs of tension like fidgeting and a tendency to avoid direct interaction with the director. She frequently questioned the value of her contributions.

Sarah was acutely aware of how this challenge was affecting her professional growth. She recognised that her emotional responses were impeding her career advancement and denting her self-esteem. This situation had placed her in a constant internal struggle, leaving her with a sense of powerlessness in the workplace and diminishing her confidence in her abilities.

In essence, this challenge had left Sarah in a state of emotional distress, eroding her self-assurance and hindering her professional development.


During the sessions, Sarah and the practitioner worked collaboratively. Each session began with a welcoming atmosphere, creating a safe space for Sarah to openly share her experiences and emotions. They delved into specific triggers, emotions, and behaviors related to her interactions with the male director.

The sessions incorporated both mBraining and NLP techniques. Sarah tuned into the wisdom of her head, heart, and gut brains. One significant mBraining practice involved balanced breathing, where she learned to breathe consciously and rhythmically to balance emotions. This helped her regain emotional equilibrium during challenging moments.

In parallel, NLP submodality changes were applied, allowing Sarah to modify her internal representations of the director's behavior. Through guided imagery, she imagined challenging scenarios, using NLP to reduce the emotional impact.

These sessions were concise, spanning four one-hour sessions over a few weeks. This time frame allowed Sarah to practice and integrate the techniques. The practitioner provided ongoing support, enabling Sarah to make significant progress in managing her emotional responses and regaining control during meetings.

This collaborative approach empowered Sarah with the tools she needed for emotional resilience and personal growth. She effectively overcame her presenting challenge, illustrating the potential of this holistic approach.


Sarah's transformation was remarkable, leading to a profound realisation. As she developed newfound emotional resilience and gained a deeper understanding of her emotional responses, it became evident that she was underutilised in her current role. She recognised her capacity to contribute more significantly than she had been, with the skills and insights she had acquired.

This realisation prompted Sarah to pursue a more senior role. Buoyed by her enhanced confidence and assertiveness, she actively sought opportunities for career advancement. Her assertive communication style, fostered through the combination of mBraining and NLP techniques, allowed her to express her desire for more challenging responsibilities and leadership roles.

Sarah's career trajectory took an upward turn. Her contributions were acknowledged, and she was not only recognised but considered for leadership positions. The newfound emotional management skills that she had cultivated positively influenced her professional interactions, allowing her to navigate challenges with poise.

Beyond her career, these changes in Sarah's approach to life brought about personal growth and a sense of fulfillment. The synergy of mBraining and NLP empowered her to overcome her initial challenge and also to step into her potential, opening doors to a brighter, more senior role and a more rewarding career.

Gayle Young
Gayle Young

Coaching Transformational Executives