NLP & Autism June 28th 2011 Health My son Rowan was diagnosed as a small boy as having Aspergers Syndrome, a condition currently classifi ed as a sub-type on the autism spectrum.... Continue reading...
Unlocking Childrens Potential March 28th 2011 Health “Brainwave is a unique organisation working at the leading edge of home based Therapy,” says Richard Clarke, their Corporate Fundraising Manager. “It is an innovative,... Continue reading...
Weight Loss Winners December 28th 2010 Health People who manage to keep weight off do so because they change their whole lifestyles. Huge changes don’t work if you only manage to implement... Continue reading...
Drugs and Addiction September 28th 2010 Health Working in private practice is a world apart from what is often taught in NLP trainings. Private clients simply don’t respond in the same way... Continue reading...
Energetic NLP for health and healing June 28th 2010 Health Your body has enormous untapped healing abilities. These abilities are often suppressed by unconscious beliefs and programming, and by energies in your body’s energetic field.... Continue reading...
NLP and the living matrix March 28th 2010 Health Working as a Healer and NLP Specialist for the last 25 years, it’s not often I come across something as exciting as the cutting-edge approach... Continue reading...
Language of Symptons December 28th 2009 Health Does thinking of someone as “a pain in the neck” cause neck pain? Has feeling “pissed off ” ever coincided with cystitis? There are all... Continue reading...
Lighting Process September 28th 2009 Health In 2000, I was diagnosed as having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as ME, at the Royal Free Hospital in London. My main symptoms... Continue reading...
My Left Breast June 28th 2009 Health In January of this year Rosie O’Hara was diagnosed with cancer in the left breast. Her story of what happened next is a testimony to... Continue reading...
Make laughter your best medicine March 28th 2009 Health US researchers from Duke University have found that positive attitudes to health make a real difference. This supports other research (from John Hopkins University) where... Continue reading...
NLP and Pain Relief December 28th 2008 Health Not all pain is bad. We feel “good” pain when we’ve worked out that bit harder than usual and are far more aware of our... Continue reading...
NLP and Nutrition September 28th 2008 Health We all know that certain foods and drinks are much better for us than others. But at what point do we decide that consequences like... Continue reading...
A smoke free zone with NLP June 28th 2008 Health The ban on smoking in public places in the UK came into effect on July 1st 2007 with, according to opinion polls, ‘three quarters of... Continue reading...
New year new start December 28th 2007 Health What was different this time? Did you choose to exercise with a friend instead of trying to motivate yourself to do something less enjoyable alone?... Continue reading...
EFT Working with cravings and addictions September 28th 2007 Health If you’ve ever felt that a glass of wine or whisky, cigarette or slice of gateaux has you in it’s grasp, you might be interested... Continue reading...
NLP in a clinical setting June 28th 2007 Health Nick Kemp is a well known NLP Trainer and co-owner of Tranceforming NLP. Also a Hypnotherapist and Provocative Therapist, Nick trained with people including Richard... Continue reading...
A weight on your mind March 28th 2007 Health Most of us have an emotional connection to food and weight. When your healthy eating and exercise plans are going well, it's easy to stay... Continue reading...
NLP and the NHS December 28th 2006 Health A good deal of attention has been paid to recent research showing that patients are more likely to complain about doctors and other medical practitioners if... Continue reading...
Phobia Cures 1 September 28th 2006 Health Phobias are often thought of in a humourous way by people who don't suffer from them. Anyone having seen a friend turn green when a... Continue reading...
Elixir of Life September 28th 2006 Health Back in 2003 I was working as a scientist in a large blue chip company, in terrible health and to be honest not particularly happy.... Continue reading...