Nedostatak poverenja u radno mesto.

Moj klijent je patio od samopouzdanja i anksioznosti na poslu tokom sastanaka i javnog govora.

Nedostatak poverenja u radno mesto.

Posted by Laura Lansley Na


My client came to me having struggled with confidence issues at work.  She has work in her current workplace for over 20 years and is in a fairly senior role.  She said that she comes as confident, but inside she is plagued with a huge lack of confidence and anxiety about the various work situations eg meetings, javni govor i vođenje tima PA-a.    


Before a meeting my client would go red, find her perspiring heavily and getting tongue tied.  She would not speak up even she has told me that she knows what she is talking with her company for over 20 years.  She would just sit in the meeting worrying about the other people in the room and what they would think about her if she speak up and she believed da će pomisliti da je blesava i da ne zna šta radi.


Zatim smo proveli vreme prolazeći kroz par vežbi koje će pomoći u budućem koračanju njenog samopouzdanja i asertivnosti u predstojećim metežima.  Usidrili smo vreme u njenom životu kada se osećala posebno samouvereno i asertivno i onda smo proveli neko vreme radeći na vežbi pod nazivom Krug izvrsnosti. Volela  je ovu vežbu i bilo joj je lako da je uloži u praksu. Odlučila je da  će ovo protumačiti kao a cape that she would put on as she went into her meeting.  We also worked on the spinning exercise for anxiety which she found super helpful especially in the time before any meetings.  I also spoke to my client about her current beliefs and explained that she had no evidence for these beliefs around not able to speak in public or in meetings. Njena početna povratna informacija je bila divna.  


This is what she said "Oh my goodness!  My meeting at work today, what can I say.  By using the technique we talked on Tuesday it went fabulously. Zapravo je uspelo!  Od trenutka kada je sastanak počeo, prilično sam predsedavala sastankom pošto se moj šef nije osećao baš sjajno.  Bila sam asertivna i samouverena, progovorila sam kada sam osetila da treba i nisam bila toliko nervozna ili pod stresom kao što bih obično bila.  Današnji sastanak je bio toliko pozitivan i samo dodavanjem da mi je jedna mala jednostavna vežba povećala samopouzdanje nema kraja.  Zujim. Hvala vam na poslednjoj seansi, pa se radujem sledećoj.

My client now spends a little more time before meetings breathing, grounding she and taking a little more time to prepare rather than leaving her with no time and going in panicy.  She wears her cape in meetings now and has done a few times now since our first couple of sessions.  The impact has been phenomenal and she now no more fears meetings.  

Laura Lansley
Laura Lansley

Ja sam Laura Lansley, NLP Practitioner, kvalifikovani trener za ishranu nivoa 4 BTN i Lični trener nivoa 3.